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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Blessing from Him.


It has been awhile I wrote in my blog. Life has been hectic, no kidding.
From life to studies to work. I'm glad I made it through. LOL!

OK this is a post of being relief and gratitude to Allah SWT for the happiness and trial given.
I had some backpain and some other minor pain for past 2 weeks and decided to see Dr. Bavani, my fav doc. Last Saturday, something like fishroe in a sac and some fresh blood came out from me. I was puzzled and quite worried.

She suggested for me to have an ultrascan and so I did. She saw an empty sac and she informed me that I had a early miscarriage. And on top of that, I have another lump in me which looked like a fybroid. And I had a UPT to confirm my pregnancy. It was positive with a faint line, as Dr Bavani explained that the hormone could have just started or it is reducing since the sac went out from me. 

Alhamdulillah All praise to Allah the Almighty for the news. I still think it was a good news as I have been trying to conceive for awhile but nothing happened. At least for me, there is a sign =). 
To get to know about the fybroid is also another good news for me, as it wasn't too late for me to act on it. 
So all in all, Alhamdulillah, I do believe, good things will come, Insya Allah. 

Starting tomorrow I will be packed with exams, birthday party, lunch gathering.
But now I have to focus and take 1 thing at a time.(telling myself here)
Now let's focus on the CTU paper. There are alot more reading to be done. Readers will think that What the?? still writing a post? - I know.. i know..I should read not write!!! But I think this is necessity for me to express my feelings. To get the tangled wool out from my system and face one knot at a time to untangle the thread.

I'm glad I had this chance to write this moment down. Alhamdulillah. I strive to be a better Muslimah. Insyallah.