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Sunday 15 February 2015

Challenges. Explaining a serious matter to an eight years old.

Today is a challenging day for me , emotional wise. I'm informed that my brother in law is expecting another child on September this year. For the record, I'm very happy for them and grateful to the Most Gracious. And as a double celebration, I've just been informed by my mom that my brother is also expecting another child on September. I'm very very happy for both. And I have no other feelings but happiness through and through.

However, my little one was upset when she knew about the news. She was questioning me regarding another sibling. She is 8 and eager to get another sibling. She made it clear to me as she said she felt lonely and bored. This evening, when I was casually talking about the news in front of my mom and she overheard about it, she was upset and cried. She was hugging me and feeling sad, crying . At that moment, only He knows how I feel. It was very very saddening to see her feeling that way. I did not expect her to react that way at all. I was very sad as well but did not show it as my mom was around and didn't want the little one to know that I was actually hurt.

While sobbing, she asked me if I have prayed hard to Allah for a child. And why hasn't she have another sibling. Why are the aunties getting more child when they already have some. And she also asked me if Allah heard her prayer for another sibling.

It was a hurtful moment in my life. I felt very challenged when I think about the questions that she asked. It really made me feel weak. But being a mom, I couldn't let her see my emotions and I have to stay strong and encourage her to be grateful and thankful to Allah for all the mercy He has given us in our life. Alhamdulilah, I said. We have to be grateful to Him as he has given us happiness and good rizk. We are so blessed with all the presents He gave us through and through. Hence, we have to be grateful. Alhamdulilah.. We have to be grateful because even though you are the only child now, but you are still lucky to have parents, grandparents, uncles,aunties and cousins. We are very very fortunate to have a big family. Have you ever think of the kids who has no one but themselves? Their parents died and they are left all by themselves? How fortunate are we compared to them. Hence we have to always be grateful to Allah, as with his Mercy, we are very very lucky to be able to live a decent and happy life.

I continue to support her morale by telling her, it is okay if Allah hasn't give me another child. He always has the best plan for us. As He is the One who knows the best about every person and everything in the world. The hidden  matter or not.. So we have to be patience. Good things will always come to good people. Insya Allah.. With Allah's permission.. Don't stop to pray to him and  always be strong facing the challenges he gave.

The conversation continues until bedtime. I always clear any matter or problem with her before bedtime. As that is the best time for me to explain myself without any interference. Alhamdulilah, she took my explanation well and went to sleep peacefully. Knowing my own child, if her feeling is disturbed and sad, she won't feel happy and ready for the next day. Hence, it is very important for me to explain and express myself well with her.

Elena, Insya Allah... We doa for the best for dunya and akhirah. Allah knows what's the best for us. And we strive to be the best for him.  Alhamdulilah for all the great and superb things we have achieved in our life so far.  Alhamdulilah.

Monday 19 January 2015

How to manage stress

It could be tough to deal with stress at time. But don't fret, when there's a will theres a way. I'd like to share how I manage my stress in life.


-when there are multiple urgent matter to be handled, think fast about the impact and prioritise. The act will help to complete all urgent matters in timely manner.


-once priorities has been set, focus on the job well. Do not let any distraction come your way. Should you need a quite place to focus more, move to some where you can work well.

3)Stay calm

-it will also help if we stay calm in a situation. Our mind will be clearer and it will be easier to find solutions. Nevertheless, if the situation is chaotic, try to react fast in problem solving.


-should it help to delegate the task if it will help speeding up the completing of the matter, why not. Go ahead and ask for help from the others. :-)  Explain to them that your hands are full and need their assistance. 

5)Set a time to complete the tasks

- time is crucial. In order to fulfill or complete the matter, set a time to achieve the mission. But always remember to add in extra time if you are communicating with the other side. This will help you to achieve the mission in a promised time and better time record. 

Merpati dua sejoli (once upon a time)

This is a reading i had recently about marriage life..
Life is full of tragedy. It is never easy to  get away from it. Challenges of life.

Buat isteri yang diuji, ambillah masa untuk bersunyi-sunyi dengan Allah. Ketika hati mu telah tenang tuliskanlah surat ini. Surat buat menghadapi tragedi cinta…

Suami ku yang disayangi,

Surat ini ku tulis dengan hati yang terus menerus berdoa agar kau dan aku berjaya mengatasi apa jua halangan dalam perjalanan kita mendapat keredaan Allah. Hingga kini aku terus yakin jika kita mencari kebaikan, insya-Allah, Allah akan memberikannya.

Terlebih dahulu ingin aku nyatakan bahawa dalam apa jua pergolakan dan ujian yang telah berlaku sepanjang kita berumah tangga, aku tetap menghormati mu. Walaupun ada masanya sikap dan kata-kataku terlanjur dan terkasar, itu bukanlah kerana aku sudah tidak  menghormatimu apatah lagi membencimu… tetapi semua itu kerana terlalu sayang. Aku tidak mahu kehilangan dirimu sebagai seorang suami seperti mana anak-anak kita juga tidak mahu kehilangan kasih-sayang seorang ayah.

Maafkan aku. Akulah yang lebih banyak bersalah dan tidak bijak menghadapi ujian rumah tangga ini. Sesungguhnya sejak dari dulu hingga sekarang aku menagih pimpinan dan panduanmu. Pimpinlah aku untuk menjadi isteri yang solehah dan ibu yang baik kepada anak-anak kita. Aku tidak mahu berpisah dengan semua kesayangan ku ini. Oleh sebab itu aku merayu agar aku terus disayangi, dilindungi, dipercayai dan dipimpin untuk menjadi wanita yang benar-benar menjadi penyeri hidup seorang suami dan anak-anak.

Kebahagiaan kita sekeluarga berada di tangan mu. Dikaulah yang menjadi peneraju dan nakhoda rumah tangga ini. Aku tahu tugas dan amanah ini sangat berat. Ia menagih keikhlasan, keimanan dan kejujuran yang tinggi daripada mu. Aku sedar apa yang akan ditanyakan Allah di Hari Akhirat kelak kepada seorang suami sebagai pemimpin jauh lebih berat dan sukar dijawab berbanding pertanyaan Allah kepada seorang isteri. Aku tahu tangung jawab mu sangat berat. Jadi aku sentiasa sedia dan setia berada di sisi mu untuk sama-sama mengharungi kepayahan ini.

Marilah sama-sama kita insafi bahawa hakikatnya umur kita kian bertambah, upaya dan tenaga kita semakin kurang, tetapi perjalanan kita masih jauh dan beban kita semakin memberat. Amanah yang ada pun belum selesai kita tunaikan, apatah lagi untuk menambah beban yang baru. Aku bimbang… kita berdua akan kecundang.

Oleh sebab itulah aku sering mengingatkan diriku dan dirimu, marilah kita kembali menilai peranan dan tanggung jawab kita masing-masing. Aku sebagai seorang isteri dan kau sebagai seorang suami… Marilah kita sama-sama bermuhasabah, apakah kiita telah melaksanakan amanah yang kita janjikan di hadapan Allah ketika kita mula bernikah dahulu?

Pernikahan disamakan dengan mendirikan masjid. Begitu sucinya ikatan perkahwinan dalam Islam. Ia bukan dibuat hanya kerana untuk melepaskan hawa nafsu semata-mata. Jika itulah sahaja niat kita berkahwin, maka apakah yang membezakan manusia dengan haiwan? Tetapi sebaliknya, Islam meletakkan hubungan sah antara suami dan isteri sebagai suatu yang sangat tinggi dan suci.

Ia bukan sahaja perkongsian fizikal, tetapi perkongsian fikiran, perasaan dan jiwa untuk sama-sama berbakti kepada Allah. Rumah tangga hakikatnya adalah sebuah masjid… Di dalam masjid orang solat, berzikir, membaca Al Quran, mendengar tazkirah kuliah dan laian-lain ibadah.

Aku rindukan semua itu. Tetapi kerinduan itu tidak akan kesampaian tanpa bimbangan darimu. Aku lemah wahai suami ku. Pimpinlah aku untuk mendapat kasih sayang Allah melalui aliran kasih sayangmu. Engkaulah harapan aku dan anak-anak. Kami hakikatnya telah diserahkan oleh Allah sebagai amanah kepada dirimu untuk disayangi di dunia dan di akhirat. Janganlah disia-siakan amanah ini. Kelak buruk padahnya kepada kami dan kepada mu jua. Relakah engkau melihat kami terkapa-kapa di dunia ini tanpa pimpinan? Dan di akhirat terhumban ke neraka yang penuh seksaan?

Suami ku,

Atas kebimbangan itu kekadang aku jadi cemburu. Bila ku lihat langkah dan sikap mu sedikit terbabas, aku menjadi sangat cemas. Bila ku lihat kau seakan-akan berubah, aku menjadi sangat gelisah. Bukan kerana benci, tetapi kerana sayang. Mengapa tidak? Bukankah di tangan kamu kemudi rumah tangga ini.

Kesilapan dan kesalahan mu sangat buruk akibatnya kepada kita sekeluarga. Jadi, fahamilah hati isteri mu ini wahai suami ku… Curiga ku bukan kerana prasangka. Cemburu ku bukan kerana melulu. Jauh sekali untuk mengawal dan memperbudak-budakan. Tetapi sekadar ingin mengingatkan bahawa kebakaran yang memusnahkan selalunya berpunca hanya daripada percikan api!

Di antara kita adalah Allah. DIAlah zat yang Maha Melihat, Maha Mendengar dan Maha Adil. Manusia tidak akan dapat mengawal dan memantau manusia lain setiap masa dan ketika. Kini aku pasrah kepada Allah. Aku lelah dan kalah untuk meneliti dan memeriksa di seluruh penjuru. Aku tidak dapat mengawal hati mu dan kau juga tidak dapat mengawal hatiku.

Hati kita berdua, Allahlah yang menjadi pemantaunya. Menyedari hakikat ini, aku kini hanya fokus untuk memperbaiki diri. Aku ingin memperbaiki hubunganku dengan Allah dan memperbaiki hubunganku dengan sesama manusia. Aku yakin Allah tidak akan mengecewakanku. Dan aku juga yakin Allah akan terus memberi kebaikan-Nya kepadaku melalui dirimu.

Marilah sama-sama kita perbaiki diri kita atas keyakinan rumah tangga ini perlu terus diselamatkan dan dimeriahkan. Jika benar itu masih menjadi harapan dan keyakinan kita, insya-Allah, pasti Allah akan tunjukkan jalan-jalan-Nya. Dalam hidup ini kita tidak boleh dapat semua perkara dalam satu masa. Bila kita mendapat sesuatu, pasti pada masa yang sama kita akan kehilangan sesuatu yang lain. Jadi marilah sama-sama kita pastikan apa yang kita dapat lebih berharga dan lebih baik berbanding apa yang kita terpaksa lepaskan.

Oleh itu jika kita ingin mendapat rumah tangga yang bahagia, kita terpaksa belajar ‘melepaskan’ perkara-perkara lain. Rumah tangga kita adalah keutamaan. Ia amanah Allah, harapan kita dan anak-anak kita. Sebaliknya, segala kesukaan atau keseronokan kita yang lain mungkin terpaksa kita korbankan demi membina kebahagiaan ini.Inilah pengorbanan.

Tanpa pengorbanan tidak akan ada kebahagaiaan. Kita akan rela dan tega berkorban jika kita benar-benar inginkan rumah tangga ini berjaya. Jika tidak, kita terpaksalah mengorbankan rumah tangga ini… Apakah ini berbaloi? Tidakkah ini seperti kata pepatah, yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran? Atau mendengar guruh di langit, air tempayan dicurahkan?

Suami ku,

Tipuan dunia dan godaan nafsu ini sangat memberangsangkan. Syaitan sentiasa menghias bibit-bibit dosa-dosa dengan segala keindahan dan kecantikan. Sekali kita terjerumus, payah untuk bebas kembali. Selagi yang diburu tidak tercapai, selagi itulah kita lelah mengejarnya. Tetapi setelah kita mendapat, ada yang lain pula datang menggoda. Apa yang ada jarang disyukuri, apa yang tiada itulah yang kita risaukan. Kita akan lesu kerana asyik memburu.

Mengejar nafsu itu bagai mengejar bayang-bayang. Dilihat ada tetapi apabila digenggam ia hilang… di hujung percarian itu pasti ada lesu dan jemu. Kehendak nafsu tidak ada batas dan tidak pernah puas. Padahal kematian itu boleh datang tiba-tiba. Relakah kita tertipu mengejar fatamorgana hanya kerana dari jauh ia kelihatan umpama air yang tergenang?

Aku mengingatkan diri ku dan diri mu kerana sayang. Aku selalu bertanya pada diri sendiri, relakah aku mengorbankan rumah tangga ini hanya untuk mengejar sesuatu yang tidak pasti? Aku terpaksa melepaskan salah satunya. Dan insya-Allah, buat selamanya aku lebih sanggup melepaskan apa dan sesiapa sahaja, asalkan jangan melepaskan kebahagiaan rumah tangga ku. Itulah yang ada di hatiku. Dan itulah jua yang aku harapkan, doakan ada dalam hati mu.

Jika dalam surat ini ada kesedihan… ia bukan kekecewaan tetapi itu hanya harapan. Jika dalam surat ini ada teguran… itu bukan kebencian tetapi itu hanya peringatan, buat ku dan buat mu jua. Namun, ku akui dalam surat ini terlalu banyak doa dan harapan. Doa ku hanya pada Ilahi. Dan harapan ku tetap untuk mu suami. Jika air mata itu berkesan, nescaya akan tulis surat ini dengan air mata. Bukan air mata kecewa tetapi air mata harapan…

Ku harap kau membaca surat ini dengan hati yang terbuka. Bayangkan semula harapan dan cita-cita kita seawal kita memutuskan untuk berkahwin dahulu. Saat indah itu telah berlalu tetapi keindahan itu akan menjelma semula dalam bentuk baru jika kita berusaha untuk merealisasikannya. Dalam perkahwinan yang baik, seorang lelaki dan wanita sentiasa mencari ruang dan peluang untuk memperbaiki dirinya demi orang yang disayanginya.

Dan sekalipun dalam perkahwinan yang paling bermasalah, penawar yang mujarab adalah kebenaran. Menyatakan kebenaran kepada pasangan adalah kaedah terbaik untuk membuktikan cinta adalah lebih utama daripada satu pendustaan!

Mohon berundur dulu. Pasangan yang bahagia bukanlah tidak pernah membuat kesilapan. Tetapi mereka tetap bahagia kerana mereka sentiasa belajar mengakui kesilapan itu dan belajar daripadanya… dan akhirnya melupakannya! Itulah aku kini. Ku akui kesilapan ku dan aku sedang memperbaikinya dan aku ingin melupakannya…

Suami ku, aku masih menaruh harapan. Insya-Allah, kau masih sudi membantu aku untuk itu! Amin.
diambil dari

Friday 16 January 2015

The adventures

Alhamdulilah.. For the past 6 months was filled with high workload, study, family and friends activities. To look back at what I have been through, I don't think that I will survive. But alhamdulilah, with His Mercy, I made it.

It really feels like watching Harry Potter's movie. Bountiful of thrillers, adventures,surprises and emotions.
What I will do is, I will categorize my journey to help me express my 1001 ideas and thoughts better.

Body Health: after all the consultations and tests made, I am cleared from any illnesses. Alhamdulilah.Hence, I will proceed with my plans if 2015, with His Merciful permission, Insyallah.

Study: Yesterday was my last paper for the semester. Finance paper. Wasn't as easy as I want it to be but I managed .. I hope.  Study part timely takes a lot of effort and support from the surrounding environment. I enjoy studying new knowledge, however when other matter gets in the way, it could lead to tragedy of not having enough time and energy to reserve for studying and doing homework and assignments. And I don't enjoy that. Perhaps I can learn new ways to tackle the uneasiness. Hmmm..
I will be taking a breather for my study for a semester. As I think I need it to ensure I won't be craaaziey. No, that's not really the reason. The real reason is below:

Career growth: Yeah alhamdulilah. 14th February 2015 I am leaving my current position for a better one. My actual last day is on the friday the 13th??? Instead of taking a gore date to end my lovely, caring and fun family in WFM, I prefer to have it on the 14th. Lovy dovy date. I treasure my moments and experience gathered within the 2 and a half years working with the team. It builts me as a better person. Eventhough I'm sad to leave but I'm glad I'm progressing... :-)
Yes I am moving role! My start date is on the 16th February 2015. Where? In the same company but in a different team. And will be a permanent hire. That's the cherry on top. I am excited to have this transfer and looking forward for new experience into the field. I will start my knowledge transfer session today. Bismillahhitawakaltualallah..

Family and self: Since I'm taking a breather, I will be using the time to fulfill my 2015 mission with family. I have a list of things to do and pledge to myself to completes it in this year. I am truely blessed and filled with gratitude to His Merciful for giving me the chance day by day to improve myself and to be thankful to him for all the abundance he has given me. Alhamdulilah. To have the chance to wake up in the morning and to progress with the daily mission. It means a lot to me. As I always tell myself that we'll never know when is our last day of living  in this world before we leave the world to barzakh. So that is a very important reason why we have to always be grateful to Him. Alhamdulilah.

Self to God: I am still learning about Islam and will never stop. Reading Islamic book gives me a clearer view on my religion. I strive to attend Islamic seminars to be able to understand in depth about Islam. I am thankful to be given the realization of Islam. As for me, no body is perfect and we could not run away from making mistakes. However with the beauty of Islam, we could strive to repent and try the hardest not to repeat the same mistake again. Alhamdulilah.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Blessing from Him.


It has been awhile I wrote in my blog. Life has been hectic, no kidding.
From life to studies to work. I'm glad I made it through. LOL!

OK this is a post of being relief and gratitude to Allah SWT for the happiness and trial given.
I had some backpain and some other minor pain for past 2 weeks and decided to see Dr. Bavani, my fav doc. Last Saturday, something like fishroe in a sac and some fresh blood came out from me. I was puzzled and quite worried.

She suggested for me to have an ultrascan and so I did. She saw an empty sac and she informed me that I had a early miscarriage. And on top of that, I have another lump in me which looked like a fybroid. And I had a UPT to confirm my pregnancy. It was positive with a faint line, as Dr Bavani explained that the hormone could have just started or it is reducing since the sac went out from me. 

Alhamdulillah All praise to Allah the Almighty for the news. I still think it was a good news as I have been trying to conceive for awhile but nothing happened. At least for me, there is a sign =). 
To get to know about the fybroid is also another good news for me, as it wasn't too late for me to act on it. 
So all in all, Alhamdulillah, I do believe, good things will come, Insya Allah. 

Starting tomorrow I will be packed with exams, birthday party, lunch gathering.
But now I have to focus and take 1 thing at a time.(telling myself here)
Now let's focus on the CTU paper. There are alot more reading to be done. Readers will think that What the?? still writing a post? - I know.. i know..I should read not write!!! But I think this is necessity for me to express my feelings. To get the tangled wool out from my system and face one knot at a time to untangle the thread.

I'm glad I had this chance to write this moment down. Alhamdulillah. I strive to be a better Muslimah. Insyallah.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Being able to feel happy

Happy is the feeling I long to have as a whole. It was uneasy to have happiness paired with sad, anxious and worried feeling at the same time.
However, a situation changed my personal perspective on life. It was hard to grasp initially. But I learnt. And learnt it well.

There was not a single point to loose my happiness to other feelings. As I have discovered that it will only make me feel worst for nothing.

Life is full of colors now and I am very blessed and grateful to be given the chance to live my life with this feelings.

Happiness turned my life one hundred and eighty degrees. With words that are not good enough to described it.

Better perspectives on issues come much better with being a happy person.

Happy made me feel worth it. Boost my confidence and feel much more subtle.

Every challenges faced with better solutions and ideas.
I am grateful to Him to be able to feel His blessings in my life.
I will always remember this moments...Alhamdulillah

Thursday 25 September 2014

Crazie Food: Cheese with Egg Wrap and Peanut Butter

HaH!!! This is the first post for my crazie food label. 

It's been created an hour ago and known as Cheese with Egg Wrap and Peanut Butter. 
Coincidentally, my mom called me up to ask how I feel and I was telling her what I was having and she seriously finds me not well! LOL

I am down today with cold and fever and I am feeling a bit crazzzie with my taste bud today! 
I've eaten rice and chicken soup for lunch, but I'm feeling not satisfied as I can't taste anything with the poor tongue.
Haaccchummmm. Cold! Sniff Sniffff

What I did and I thought it was satisfying fo this odd craving- hence I'm sharing it with you! 
It's up to you to taste it as I am not responsible for any consequences. As for me, so far so good! - Some might finds this urghh.yucks..euwww..blueeekk.... but it's a personal opinion so I'm good either way =)

Here's the crazie recipe:

 Ingredients of Cheese with Egg Wrap and Peanut Butter:

1 tsp Oil
1 tortilla wrap
1 egg

1 piece of single cheese
peanut butter

How to make the Cheese with Egg Wrap and Peanut Butter:

Heat a pan with a little oil. 
Fry the egg
Heat the wrap-  both side until you see darker dots on the tortilla
Place the egg on the wrap and stack the cheese on it. 
Fold it to be an envelope.

Place the wrap envelope on a plate and spread the peanut butter on the envelope. Be generous on it. 

The motive of eating the food is to achieve the gooey of egg taste- the mild taste of cheese with some sweetness of the peanut butter all together.

Nothing left behind - Cheese with Egg Wrap and Peanut Butter

share me your opinion if you want =)